Friday, September 5, 2008

Upcoming Events

  • September 25th- Girl's Night Out - Pasadena Playhouse -Vanities

Travel to Pasadena and enjoy a Girl's Night Out with dinner and an evening at the Pasadena Playhouse. Leaving Santa Clarita about 4:00pm Time to be narrowed down. Anyone interested is welcome

Future events no date set yet:

Habitat for Humanity build -Travel to a fairly local Habitat Build and help build a home

Wine tasting with a twist - bring your own inexpensive wine (cheap) and share and compare. Enjoy socializing and getting away from the day-to-day and meet other wine enthusiasts

MILK program sponsored by the hosts of The Group In Action - time and location to be announced. Save on CD important information about your children in case they are lost.

Car seat Program - Be sure car seats are adequate and appropriately installed. Location to be announced

Holiday Celebration December ish (Possibly combined with the Habitat Build)

Look for our very informal De stressing Series - small, or not, spontaneous gatherings with brief information from specialists like Family Therapists, Grief Counselors, Money Mangers, Real Estate professionals (and??? We are open to any suggestions and requests). Then move on to socializing

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Welcome to The Group In Action!

Stay tuned for upcoming action events....