Friday, October 9, 2009

Out of The Darkness Community Walk

The Group In Action is once again out and running in the community,
(or in this case WALKING).

Come and join us on our Out of The Darkenss Community Walk - a beautiful 3 to 5 mile scenic walk in Santa Monica, California with lots of fresh ocean air! All who attend will help raise awareness, funds and support for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention!

We (The Group In Action) joined Candice Hirst's team - TEAM MO! Join us and TEAM MO raise awareness and money!! Proceeds help fund research, education and both survivor and awareness programs.

The Group In Action will meet other participants at The Starbucks in Valencia on The Old Road and Valencia Blvd (By Abertson's) at 6:45am on the morning of Ocotober 24, to coordinate carpooling for those interested.

The walk begins at Santa Monica City Hall, located at 1685 Main St in Santa Monica, on Oct. 24, 2009 @ 9:00 am. Check in time begins at 7:45 am.

How do you register, you ask!
Go to and click on team names, find Team MO. Click on Join the team, and click as a team walker. If you put The Group In Action in parenthesis after your last name, we will know how many people we reached to participate in this oh-so-important-event through our blog. Cutoff time to register is 10/23/2009 at 11:45 pm.

Donations will be accepted until 12/31/2009 12:00 am.

We so look forward to seeing many of you there, and if you can't make the walk, please make a donation. (Of course you can do both!!)


Monday, September 14, 2009

Carousel Ranch -Success!

Hello All,

The Carousel Ranch event was a huge success!! We enjoyed a wonderful dinner, and the children's demonstration was a joy to watch. This is such an important place, the staff and volunteers do a remarkable job. Raising money to keep it going for many years to come is a must!! We hope you enjoy the pictures and mark your calanders to join us next year.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Carousel Ranch 2009
19th Annual Dinner, Auction, Casino and
Children's Demonstration

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Carousel Ranch 13th Annual Dinner, Auction, Casino and Children's Demonstration


We hope everyone is having a wonderful summer!

Are you up for a really memorable evening?

We would like to invite our friends, present and future, to join The Group in Action at the Carousel Ranch for what should prove to be a terrific event. The Carousal Ranch for those of you who don't already know, provides therapeutic horseback riding for children with disabilites, and so much more.

Once a year they have a gala event which is the main fundraiser for this fantastic organization. There will be a children's demonstration which will move all who see it! There is a dinner, a live and silent auction and Casino night, adding up to a great time for all.

For more information or tickets to the event please go to, or Mention the group in action and you will be seated with others with The Group for the evening. You can do this online or by phone: (661) 268-8010.

You can also call Lois Lopez of 1st Liberty Financial at 661-242-7835 or Kim Thomson of Keller Williams at 661-263-0441 for more information on either the Carousel Ranch event or The-Group-In-Action.

We hope to see you there, and we will post pictures following the event.

Happy Summer!

Monday, June 15, 2009

May 30 & 31st Santa Clarita Valley (SCV) Relay for Life


Well, The Group In Action has been out and about again, and this time it was for another important cause. The Group joined Mary Rehard's team of WESpark at the 2009 Relay for Life. We really enjoyed the fund raising and participating in the relay on Saturday evening. We were there for the luminaries lighting ceremony, which is one of the most fantastic and moving events. The entertainment was wonderful, and the survivor presentations and candle lighting ceremony-(Yes, real candles!) are not to be missed. Check out the photos.

Each relay raises funds for the American Cancer Society which then go back into the community that helped raise the funds. Please visit for photos and more information.

We look forward to participating again next year, and hope to see you there!

Dates for next year and information can be found on the website above.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Habitat for Humanity in Pacoima, CA 11-08-08

This was a great day!! The Group In Action arrived bright and early at 8:00am in Pacoima.
We worked hard getting ready for the grading of the next phase of this fantastic 60 Home Habitat for Humanity build.
This was an inspiring and invigorating day.
We have received A LOT of enthusiasm for the Habitat events, please let us know if you are interested in our future trips.
Posted by PicasaLOKINIKE!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Next Event - HABITAT FOR HUMANITY - Nov 8, 2008 8:00am to 2:00pm

The-Group-In Action is on the move. Our next event is participating in a Habitat for Humanity project through the Woodland Hills Habitat serving San Fernando and Santa Clarita Valley.

The current project located in Pacoima, CA is a 60 home community build, of which 20 homes are already complete. We will be working on the next 17 homes.

The -Group- In-Action gets together for whatever reason we want, and this particular day we will be helping others by participating in building this fantastic community. There is limited space for this day, so please let us know if you are interested in participating right away. Simply post a comment on the blog, or call 661-242-7835 or 661-263-0441 and let us know you are interested in participating with The Group on this next event.

PS - we hope to have T-shirts for purchase. The price to be determined and proceeds will go toward the cost of the shirts, any expense for the group to get to the job site and any additional will be donated to Habitat for Humanity :)

See you all there - wear hard soled shoes, bring gloves, lunch and water. We will post exact time and carpooling arrangements soon.

Upcoming Events
The following events are subject to change and new events may be added at any time - keep posted for updates - and we welcome suggestions!!!!
December - Holiday Light tour and local toy drive Date - TBD
January - De-stress and get the tools you need to achieve your 2009 goals. 5 minute speakers, presentations, and other exciting helpful participants to be announced
February 26, 2009 - Wine Tasting with a fun twist - keep checking for updates
March - get ready for spring planting and edible gardens...