Friday, October 9, 2009

Out of The Darkness Community Walk

The Group In Action is once again out and running in the community,
(or in this case WALKING).

Come and join us on our Out of The Darkenss Community Walk - a beautiful 3 to 5 mile scenic walk in Santa Monica, California with lots of fresh ocean air! All who attend will help raise awareness, funds and support for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention!

We (The Group In Action) joined Candice Hirst's team - TEAM MO! Join us and TEAM MO raise awareness and money!! Proceeds help fund research, education and both survivor and awareness programs.

The Group In Action will meet other participants at The Starbucks in Valencia on The Old Road and Valencia Blvd (By Abertson's) at 6:45am on the morning of Ocotober 24, to coordinate carpooling for those interested.

The walk begins at Santa Monica City Hall, located at 1685 Main St in Santa Monica, on Oct. 24, 2009 @ 9:00 am. Check in time begins at 7:45 am.

How do you register, you ask!
Go to and click on team names, find Team MO. Click on Join the team, and click as a team walker. If you put The Group In Action in parenthesis after your last name, we will know how many people we reached to participate in this oh-so-important-event through our blog. Cutoff time to register is 10/23/2009 at 11:45 pm.

Donations will be accepted until 12/31/2009 12:00 am.

We so look forward to seeing many of you there, and if you can't make the walk, please make a donation. (Of course you can do both!!)


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